Respect me and my flaws.

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HikaruAttack's avatar
No one is perfect. Not everyone's life is perfectly amazing. But that doesn't mean that you always have to look at the negatives in life. I know life can suck at times. I say that I hate my life all the time. But than again, I have it way better than a lot of people. Some people have really bad pasts. Some people witnessed something life scaring. Some people have been molested, and have had someone that they love and care about very much. So when you think your life sucks ass, just think about all the good things in life. Don't be like this one girl I knew who said she hated her life and wanted to kill herself because her dad yelled a lot and was scary! When she was always talking about all the nice things she had and all of her friends and how she has great grades and all this great and positive stuff. But now she is saying she wants to die because her dad is loud and yells a lot. I know I am saying it like it's easy, but really it's not that easy, and yet it's not that hard either. So please don't always talk shit about your life. And another thing is don't talk shit about you either. We all have flaws, yes, but that doesn't mean you have to go and get plastic surgery or wear 4 bras to make your boobs look bigger, or die your hair or wear a crap ton of make up. You are beautiful just the way you are. (not trying to be cheesy! >///<  ) I personally can't life with out my cover up/mascara/eyeliner/hair dye <33333. So don't be like me! >3<
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ponicula's avatar
Most people aren't Carol. And you're kind of canceling yourself out there saying that "you don't need to die your hair or wear a crap ton of make up, you're beautiful just the way you are." and then saying "I personally can't LIFE (live?) without my cover up/mascara/eyeliner/hair dye." You say that it's not that hard, so why don't you try it? And sometimes it is really hard to think of the upsides to life, even if there are so many people who have it harder. And if everyone else is beautiful just the way they are, why don't you think you are? Why do you always think you're so hideous when you're not? Don't be so tartuffe. And when I say these things, don't think that I think so high of myself, don't think that I see myself so much higher than everyone else. It's not that nothing is ever my fault, I just point out when other people do something "wrong".

Sorry about the rant.

By the way you spelled Diego wrong..... >///<